About Us
Busted Fishing is a small business owned and operated in Melbourne by Frank Fernkorn and Kerry Jack.
In 2012 we sold our house and went on a trip of a lifetime around Australia for 12 months and of course i did a lot of fishing and people commented on some of the gear i made. So when we returned, we started making more fishing tackle and Busted Fishing was born.
Since 2014 we pumped out over 5000 Bee’s Knees Reel Spoolers and in 2018 we moved to a bigger factory, adding 2 CNC machines. In 2019 we begun manufacturing the Busted Fishing Line Winders.
Hopefully you will become a valued Busted Fishing customer too and we will strive to serve you well with quality fishing tackle.
Cheers, Frank & Kerry

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And if you like to join over 8000 like minded tackle rats, please check out our group Tackle Chat: CLICK HERE